Rather go bust than provide proof
Tuesday 27 April 2021 - Read the testimony of Yolanda, chief negotiator for the textile sector at our Dutch affiliate FNV, about textile workers fighting for a pay rise in the Netherla...
Wednesday 31 March 2021 - Telework is here to stay and unions need to learn how to organise workers online and address their concerns. Experience since the pandemic shows that this is po...
Wednesday 24 March 2021 - The specific needs of managers in our sectors require attention. IndustriAll Europe insists that companies assist their managers in supervising remote teams thr...
Thursday 18 March 2021 - IndustriAll Europe stands with UPM’s salaried employees whose fundamental rights at work are shamelessly disregarded and who are calling on company management t...
Tuesday 16 March 2021 - As more companies use surveillance technology to monitor their (tele)workers, industriAll Europe demands full respect of workers’ privacy and autonomy through a...
Thursday 04 March 2021 - IndustriAll Europe is highly alarmed at UPM’s attempts to abandon collective bargaining and warns against a domino effect that would further undermine the Finni...
Tuesday 02 March 2021 - Telework became an emergency solution at the start of the COVID-19 crisis to keep businesses going. With telework here to stay, even after the pandemic, industr...
Friday 05 February 2021 - In a project launched this week, the leather industry social partners focus on national collective bargaining in their sector...
Friday 29 January 2021 - Recovery must help bridge digitalisation gaps between countries, and workers must see the benefits of digitalisation, concludes industriAll Europe after the fir...