Friday 14 June 2019 - Metal workers are taking to the streets of Milan, Florence and Naples today in a general strike over the future of their industry....
Friday 24 May 2019 - Following the news that British Steel is facing insolvency, industriAll Europe is calling for urgent action to protect the 5,000 direct jobs and 20,000 indirect...
Friday 24 May 2019 - A new collective agreement applicable to 16,000 textile workers in eastern Germany has been signed by IG Metall and its employer counterpart....
Thursday 23 May 2019 - industriAll Europe have announced plans at the ETUC’s Congress to launch a Europe-wide campaign to promote collective bargaining as an essential tool in the fig...
Tuesday 21 May 2019 - industriAll Europe took part in the first workshop of a new EU-funded 'upskilling the shipbuilding workforce in Europe' project earlier this month....
Tuesday 21 May 2019 - industriAll Europe and the European Federation of Building and Wood Workers (EFBWW) step up their joint activities in the cement sector....
Friday 17 May 2019 - On the international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia, industriAll Europe and its affiliates are renewing our efforts to end workplace discrimin...
Thursday 16 May 2019 - industriAll Europe, the trade union federation for steel workers, is calling on the European Commission to urgently strengthen measures to safeguard our steel i...
Wednesday 15 May 2019 - industriAll Europe, the trade union federation for 7 million workers, welcomes the European Court of Justice ruling enforcing limits on working time as an impor...
Friday 10 May 2019 - On the eve of Europe Day, General Secretary Luc Triangle travelled to Madrid to take part in an event organised by our Spanish affiliate, CCOO, as part of trade...