Finnish Forest Industries withdraws from national collective bargaining
Friday 16 October 2020 - Trade unions are highly alarmed by decision of employers' association that will undermine sectoral collective bargaining....
Friday 16 October 2020 - IndustriAll Europe insists that skills investment is linked with a strong industrial policy at today's high-level roundtable on a future EU Pact for Skills...
Wednesday 14 October 2020 - IndustriAll Europe calls for a European strategy to secure the future of a sector that will be crucial in meeting the European Green Deal targets, including dec...
Wednesday 07 October 2020 - IndustriAll Europe launches a project to anticipate impacts of greater industrial integration in the armament sector on workers....
Saturday 03 October 2020 - Agreement paves the way to phase out hard coal mining by 2049, provides for a social agreement with job guarantees as well as transformation planning in the coa...
Friday 02 October 2020 - Member organisations in every EU steel producing country took action yesterday, preparing the way for our demands to be heard by the EU competitiveness council....
Wednesday 30 September 2020 - IndustriAll Europe claims a place for workers at the newly launched EU Raw Materials Alliance...
Tuesday 29 September 2020 - IndustriAll Europe and industriALL Global Union called on members of the OECD Steel Committee to take urgent action to end global overcapacity in the steel sec...