Coordinated by COTANCE and industriAll European Trade Union, the EU-sponsored “Leather is my job!” project terminated in November 2014, after the final event was held in Bucharest on 23 October.
Together with the participating associations and tanneries, the European social partners developed a 4-page leaflet, printed in 7 languages, with an introduction to the results of interviews conducted with leather workers across Europe. A dedicated website
was also created where 78 complete interviews are made available with photographs, in order to publicize the appeal of working for the leather sector.
“A job you don’t learn in books”, “a lot of science”, “a big family”, “pride” and “art” are some of the expressions used by tannery workers in order to define the jobs that become full-fledged professions with training.
At the final event, the audience, which included project partners, tannery owners and workers, trade union representatives, school trainers, authorities and the press, expressed appreciation for the work done and pledged for a follow-up initiative so as to deepen and enlarge the activities performed so far.
Electronic copies of the Leather is my Job leaflets may be found here BG DE EN ES FR PT RO