As the world of work is changing rapidly, confronting society and workplaces with new and far-reaching challenges, trade unions must find innovative answers to pressing issues such as teleworking, digitalisation and the digital and green transitions. Learning from practice, trends and achievements in other countries as well as accessing relevant information and knowledge is essential in this context.
IndustriAll Europe has therefore set up a new collective bargaining database to assist its affiliates find relevant information about collective agreements as well as social policy and economic developments across Europe. It is aimed at national-level trade union negotiators and policy officers engaged in collective bargaining as a source of inspiration for their work.
The bulk of information for the database is provided by industriAll Europe’s Europe-wide network of trade union experts counting some 150 experts in more than 35 countries. It also contains research and reports from other relevant sources such as the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), newspapers and trade union publications.
The database offers easily accessible information and provides useful input for the exchanges within industriAll Europe’s collective bargaining network and community.
The database is divided into four main sections:
- Collective bargaining
- Work organisation and working conditions
- Green and digital transition
- Equality
These topics reflect the most central, present-day trade union priorities throughout Europe.
We hope that the new tool will be extensively used by national negotiators and social policy officers in their work. Turning it into a valuable tool largely depends on the commitment of our colleagues at national level to share their achievements with us. We count on them to enrich this database.
Contact: Erlend Hansen (policy adviser and collective bargaining database manager)