After a protest at the UK Parliament in London earlier this month, Unite and their members are stepping up the fight to save the highly-productive plan with a demonstration in Swindon this Saturday afternoon.
Here's the full solidarity letter:
Dear colleagues,
Honda’s dramatic announcement of its intention to close its Swindon plant by 2021 sent a shockwave throughout the UK and beyond. Many thousands of workers employed directly by Honda and along its European supply chain are at risk of losingtheir jobs.
More than 15,000 people have responded to Unite the Union’s callfor solidarity by signing a petition which has been circulated all over Europe.Prominent politicians demonstrated their support at the trade union rally convened earlier this month before the UK parliament. Honda’s plan would have devastating economic and social consequences, including knock-on effects on entire communities.
IndustriAllEurope does not and will never accept that dedicated workers who have grown strategic know-how over the years be thrown on the scrapheap, to the detriment of their future and that of Honda itself.
We join Unite the Union in urging Honda to rethink its decision and engage in dialogue on alternatives forensuring a sustainable future of Honda activities in Europe. IndustriAll Europe will do everything within its powers to support its affiliates in developing astrong, collective response to this plan. A European trade union coordination meeting will be held to that end on Friday 5 April in London.
Fully committedto support our colleagues in the UK and all over Europe in the defense of Honda workers’ interests, industriAll Europe stands with Unite the Union and its members and expresses its wholehearted solidarity with Swindon workers.
In Solidarity,
Luc Triangle
General Secretary
industriAll Europe
You can send your own solidarity message to the march here:
You can sign the petition calling on Honda to reverse its decision to close its Swindon factory here: