On Wednesday, 18 September, the agreement for the establishment of a European Works Council for the Stellantis group was signed by the Special Negotiating Body, the group management and industriAll Europe.

The new EWC will have 36 members from 12 countries, including two guest mandates for the United Kingdom, and will meet twice a year in person. The competences of the EWC have been extended well beyond the legal minimum, to include environmental concerns, decarbonisation policies, health & safety, and digitalisation. A clear and well-defined procedure for information and consultation, enabling employee representatives to express a prior opinion on any proposed measures, which is to be considered when a decision is taken, should allow the EWC to have a real impact. The members will be assisted in their work by a permanent expert appointed by industriAll Europe. They will also have the support of a chartered accountant and further experts as the need arises during a consultation process.

Judith Kirton-Darling, General Secretary of industriAll Europe, said “With the conclusion of this EWC agreement, the Stellantis management and the trade unions have established the basis for a robust structure of social dialogue at European level. While the company is facing colossal challenges, it is now up to the Stellantis management to make full use of the EWC to engage in a pro-active and meaningful dialogue with workers and their representatives to ensure a fair and just transformation."