The automotive industry is experiencing an unprecedented transformation driven by digitalisation, carbon neutrality, new mobility concepts, and more. There is an urgent need to better understand and map the skills needed throughout the transformation and to address the new demands for upskilling and reskilling of the current workforce. The TRIREME project fosters robust partnerships across different sectors of the ecosystem, focusing on skills roadmaps, delivering training, and the social dimension.

IndustriAll Europe and CEEMET, the metal sectoral employers’ association will lead the work package on the social impact of the continuous transformation in the ecosystem for the automotive sector. IndustriAll Europe is involved in the different dimension of the project and is especially committed to ensure that the project focuses on how to anticipate and manage change in a socially responsible way and to mitigate the social impact of change in the automotive sector. 

Strong upskilling programs and the development and training of workers are vital, in light of the twin transitions. A just transition must be guaranteed for all automotive workers,” highlighted Judith Kirton-Darling, General Secretary of industriAll Europe.

“We need to anticipate and manage change proactively. Trade union involvement and worker participation must be core principles of the Just Transition.”

Social Partners key actions in the project:

  • Regional workshops to grasp the reality of the transformation on the ground.
  • Identify and share good practices, social partners’ roles and negotiated solutions at national, sectoral and company levels as well as territorial initiatives/measures which ensure that transitions are smooth for individual workers, companies and communities impacted.
  • Deliver recommendations and concrete tools for actions.
  • Promoting a proactive and socially responsible approach to anticipating and managing the change.
  • Development of training policies which take into account companies' and workers’ needs. 

“Social partners and social dialogue are key to deliver on the fair transformation of the automotive industry. We are really keen to engage in this project with other stakeholders and ensure that the concrete results are widely disseminated and become a source of inspiration for the entire ecosystem in Europe" says Isabelle Barthès, Deputy General Secretary of industriAll Europe.