Health & Safety
Every person has the right to work in a healthy and safe environment. For trade unions, workers’ well-being has always been one of the top priorities.
Trade unions work for ambitious legislation in the field of occupational safety and health and its enforcement, they empower their members to take action at the workplace and support them in engaging with employers.
IndustriAll Europe strives to defend and promote good and sustainable working conditions and healthy and safe working environments, emphasise occupational health and the prevention of occupational hazards, and seek to reduce the number of accidents at work, notably through training, and the effective enforcement of OSH legislation.
Our network discusses latest research findings, exchanges good examples and forms joint opinions on, e.g.:
- Dangerous substances
- Psycho-social risks
- OSH implications of climate change and the green transition
- Implementation and enforcement of OSH legislation
- OSH in the European policy arena
See our position papers and more:2024/156 - industriAll Europe Charter for Health & Safety in battery production
DE EN FR2023/144 - Occupational Exposure Limits for nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide: end of the transition period for underground mining and tunnel construction
DE EN FRInformation about Artificial or Engineered Stone: Composition, Usage, and Occupational Safety and Health