EnergyAddressing the often conflicting interests when it comes to affordable energy for private households and companies, a secure access to energy supply and support for the transition to renewables is a daunting challenge. More concretely, during the next Congress period industriAll Europe will be confronted with: - the implementation of the ambitious EU Energy Union;
- the preservation of the energy-intensive sectors in Europe;
- finding solutions to the burning question of global carbon reduction. An ambitious climate policy is required with globally binding and sanctionable goals, which would include all countries worldwide. A major milestone was achieved in December 2015 with the COP 21 agreement.
- the challenge of a more ambitious energy efficiency policy, while taking cost-efficiency into consideration;
- the reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), its vulnerability to fraud and the need to preserve free allocations of emission allowances for the energy-intensive sectors in order to avoid carbon leakage;
- the reduction of emissions in the non-ETS sectors (e.g. transport) in a technically and economically reasonable way;
- the need for economic and social impact assessments of climate policies in order to ensure a ‘just transition’. Social and environmental goals must not be pitted against each other in the creation of a sustainable and socially just European economy.
