EU Projects - Calls for tender

Following are open calls for tender:

Expert work to support the project:

Strengthen Social Dialogue to Improve Sustainable practices in the European Extractive Industries

with the financial support of the European Commission
call for tender

Presentation of the bids

The bids should be submitted in English to Ms Sophie Grenade (industriAll Europe) and
Mr Fernando Sanchez (Euromines).

Deadline for submission of the bids

The complete application should be sent to the above-mentioned e-mail addresses with a request for confirmation of receipt at the latest on 10th of April, at 12:00 (noon) CET.

Expert work to support the project:

Stitch Together : Promoting Social Partnerships in the European Textiles and Clothing Industries

with the financial support of the European Commission

call for tender

Presentation of the bids

The bids should be written in English, and contain a current CV and cover letter as well as previous work experience and language competences.

They should be submitted in by email to Elspeth Hathaway (Senior Policy Advisor)
For any enquiry about the technical content of the call for proposal, the contact person is Judith Kirton-Darling ( (General Secretary).

Deadline for submission of the bids

The complete bid should be sent to the above-mentioned e-mail address with a request for confirmation of receipt at the latest on 12:00 Friday 14 June